Keine Fremdeinwirkung eines anderen Spielers und trotzdem: Beim Abkick passierte das kurioseste Eigengaol aller Zeiten:
Leserbriefe der Woche (KW 47/24)
vor 10 Stunden
Fun total aus Schweizer Sicht: lustige, kuriose und satirische Videos, Bilder und Texte.
1 Kommentar:
The more I saw it, the more it impresses me. I don’t know how I ever worked without hilarious and funny things in our life, Life would be so much easier especially when there’s a jokes here and there. Being funny is nice because a lot of serious people are lacking with this kind of behavior that is why they are much look older. I would like to thank you for your outstanding blog post. Keep it up! Awesome!
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